Construction Staking

Although construction staking is not considered surveying, it is often requested. It requires experienced office personnel who know the proper procedure for performing construction staking. That personnel must be able to check to see if the civil engineer, structural engineer, architect, and utility companies are on the same page. It is critical that the surveyor verifies the property boundary along with the vertical and horizontal datum before taking on the project. Lastly, the office personnel must perform many calculations in the office to assure the field personnel are supported to perform their job with accuracy.

At Roome Land Surveying, we can perform construction staking for your project, but we must verify the property boundary along with related, additional activities as described above before staking can begin. Because of this additional constraint to even begin staking, this service does carry the additional overhead of having an Acreage Boundary Survey performed, or other suitable land survey, to verify the boundary of your property (if we have not done so for you already).